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#1 HTML 1 Questions

  1. IP stands for Interent Protocol and is the address of a computer sytem descriped in a set of numbers. It is like a address of a house.
  2. A domain name is a name given to a certian site that is linked to the site including its ionformation. When a person looks for a site, they send a message from their IP to the DNS (Domain Name Sytem) which sends the information back to the IP.
  3. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
  4. The default name of a webpage is index.
  5. the image html tag is jpg.

#2 HTML Questions

  1. A server is a thing of stored, but a standard computer is a soemthing that acesses the stored data on a sever and send messages back and forth from and to other computers.
  2. For an HTML table you need the tags
  3. An iframe tag iFrame tag lets a window of the website that it's linked to be shown.
  4. The a tag lets someone import an image.
  5. The tr tag begins a new row on a table in a website.

For Blue Fountian Media to create a website, it costs about 105per hour for Website design and mangement, 85 for search engine marketing and 75 for Website Maintence(per hour)